About Dr. Arlette Atioky

You can call me Dr. Arlette (she/her/hers). I will be a guiding source in your journey to being or reaching your optimal psychological wellbeing. I honor and examine what you bring based on your cultural and social justice lens. Our wellbeing journey will include examining essential and varied ways you are being you in thoughts, feelings, actions, sensations, and so many others. We collaborate to manage, cope, and/or address areas of concern to improve your whole wellbeing. My clients have described me as "the therapist with a soft voice and a subtle French accent". I look forward to accompanying you in this empowering journey.

I am a licensed psychologist in the State of Maryland (#06960). I have a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology and a Master of Education in International Counseling. I have helped a variety of clients including those experiencing life transitions, identity development, relationship issues, anxiety, mood, and stressful concerns

In addition to therapy, I teach and conduct research at a university. I have provided training in psychotherapy, diversity and inclusion, and mental health disparities, particularly as it relates to immigrant and refugee communities. I also conduct research primarily on the social factors that influence mental health and on intersectionality and wellbeing. You may review courses that I have taught, my publications, and my conference presentations here